Order calendars 2017

The brand new Rat love wall and desk calendars 2017 available since September 13st 2016.

Prices are approximate and depended on actual exchange rates:

Set of wall/desk calendars Rat love 2017: 20 €

Rat love wall calendar 2017 (theme: Trust): 12 €

Rat love desk calendar 2017: 10 €

Order at ratlove@seznam.cz, or in our e-shop: shop.ratlove.onclick.cz - English version available.

Postage worldwide: 9€ / 11,50$ / 7,60£

Payment: PayPal, transfer to our bank account

There is also hypothetical possibility of face-to-face delivery in your country. Ask us if any our friend is going to your town (for example: to some rat exhibition etc.).

A wall calendar 2017 preview:

A desk calendar 2017 preview: